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An intriguing story of...
"A newly wedded young man has a secret illicit affair with his mother in law, discovers his sister in law has screenshot proof; blackmail prevails but the end is still calamitous".
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"A tragic Plight "
One week later, it is early morning in Uganda and a howling of frightening… through the window its visibly cloudy outside.
A withered Mrs. Perry speaks to her son Jo about what is vexing her; she mentions that she thinks Mr. Smith has sold them down the river, also alleges that he has a mistress in his house overseas; to make matters worse she saw Alpha as well, one she reiterates that he masterminded the robbery that wiped out their wealth. She claims to have witnessed all this over a skype call with her hubby a week back.
Back in California, a speeding ambulance arrives at a hospital. Attendants and Carlita swiftly unload a critically ill Alpha on to a hospital cot. Mr. Smith, Drake and Evrin stand together, looking on in distress.
Hours later, Alpha is now admitted into the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). The doctor divulges that he is undergoing a very complex situation called status epilepticus and in his particular case it is as a result of acute poisoning.
Everyone is in shock, Carlita and her dad stare at each other suspiciously; the two agree on the perpetrator - Chandrakanta. Evrin and Drake look on dumbstruck.
In Uganda, Mrs. Perry disappears into the airport terminal to California to unearth the truth about her disturbing allegations. Flight takes off the runway, over the lake and disappears into the clouds.
An hour later, her surprise journey turns tragic when the commuter plane struggles over a snow capped mountain; it’s dwarfed by a massive cloud looming over it, it’s dangerously close…
Three days later, a pale Alpha is discharged from hospital, another attempt to finish him off – a determined Chandrakanta takes another shot at his life, but this time he’s more that alert, he survives it and proves to everyone in broad day light that the suspected perpetrator - Chandrakanta previously actually poisoned him. Everyone is in shock; a cloud of dismay engulfs the house.
Moments later, seems like horror just begun for Mr. Smith; in his compound, he receives the most appalling news of his life; an unknown caller from an airline breaks the news that their flight has crashed and his wife was on-board, the call drops. Un aware his wife was traveling; he first thinks it’s a prank. Reality strikes when he immediately calls home in Uganda and Jo confirms his stressed mother suddenly decided to visit him in California.
Two days later, after almost all hope is lost, a fatigued Mrs. Perry mysteriously appears… an aura of fear engulfs the house, she doesn’t speak to anyone, heads straight to the bedroom. Mr. Smith follows her; a bitter exchange of words ensues.
In the bedroom, endless voices of disagreement can be heard. The situation is tense and unpredictable, the room is on ‘fire’.
Suddenly, the bedroom door opens, Mrs. Perry passes everyone again through the living room and vanishes out of the room. Everyone is left in dire suspense.