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"A Coincidence"

It’s night, still at the beach; The vibe between Alpha and Carlita continues, they are having fun, keeping things as light as possible… nothing overly serious. An excited Carlita eventually invites Alpha and the boys to visit at her father’s house in Santa Monica, she promises to confirm the date once she returns home. An already love struck Carlita exchanges contacts with Alpha and unhappily departs.


A few days later, Carlita is back home having a light moment with her dad and she tells him about her indelible holiday; discloses how she made new friends with some interesting Ugandans. 

Two weeks later, Carlita makes an early morning call to Alpha to confirm the invitation date, and that’s just a week away – next weekend.

The dark gloomy night has rolled on and It’s a shiny weekend morning, Alpha and crew arrive Carlita’s home, the nanny ushers them in; Mr. Abram Smith recognize each other in shock with Alpha but try to maintain the smiles of excitement. Mr. Smith welcomes them warmly.  


Moments later, uncomfortable Mr. Smith and Alpha start drifting away towards the exit, they walk slowly towards behind the house, try to catch up. It is a typical one on one situation particularly about their past in Uganda. Tensions are simmering high, right at the extreme in isolation behind the house, a predicament soon ensues. Soon after, a seemingly angry Mr. Smith drives out.


Later in the afternoon, Alpha and Carlita have a light moment. She’s excited about Alpha and her dad’s closeness already like she has always wished, little knowing they have just had a fist fight. Alpha keeps up appearances.
Carlita is cooking in the kitchen, Alpha heads to the boys, they are so curious about the consequences of his earlier fight with Mr. Smith.  He narrates to them.


Suddenly Mr. Smith is back, slowly walks in, he’s on phone, waves and walks past them. Silence rips through the room for a moment before their conversation resumes. 


It’s a beautiful Sunday morning… Faint chirping of birds… Golden rays of sunshine…. Dew drops over green grass… It’s breakfast time. A jovial and loud Mr. Smith makes a random request. He needs someone to escort him to the supermarket after breakfast. Funny enough, unanimously Alpha is seconded to go by all the rest.

Breakfast is done, Mr. Smith and Alpha drive off to the store. It’s silence in the car for a moment before an inviolable bond soon forms between Alpha and Abram as secrets prevail on both sides with Carlita being unaware of her father’s other family and Alpha’s chronicles.


© 2020. Guapo Filmz
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