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An intriguing story of...
"A newly wedded young man has a secret illicit affair with his mother in law, discovers his sister in law has screenshot proof; blackmail prevails but the end is still calamitous".
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"The Execution"
On the first try, Alpha gets locked in by Jo Smith on his way out for a night on the town, he cowers behind some scrap metals. After almost being caught, he narrowly escapes by a whisker through the emergency small gate behind the premises; the agreed meeting point, they disagree to agree to postpone the mission a fortnight ahead.
Two weeks later, finally it is time. All concealed, they make it inside the estate with relatively no issues. Pass the night guard, they are aware of surveillance cameras but they don’t mind them and into the main entrance. After hours of serious anxiety and tension waiting, they incisively make their way inside the main house.
Outside, a thunderstorm ensues. Perry Smith enters her kitchen and begins to chop tomatoes. In the living room, Evrin deliberately drops a roll of duct tape, creating a loud thud. Perry stops chopping, grows curious. Suddenly seeing masked men, before she reacts, the boys have no other option but to snaffle her up from the back, hold her mouth shut. She pleads for her life but all in vain.
First, they make her take them to the safe. Alpha swiftly rolls up his sleeves to see the safe-code combination saved to Adilyn’s computer combination scrawled up his arm; in a flash, the safe is wide open and all is bundled up into a bag. Perry is not physically harmed, she’s gagged and tied to a chair in her kitchen. The boys vanish into oblivion.
Ours later: In the wee hours of the morning, a car zooms up to the gate and screeches to a halt, loud music blares from the interior. ROGER the night guard shields his eyes from the bright car lights. It’s a hungry dead drunk Jo Smith from his usual long night out partying. He staggers into the house straight to the kitchen, a shocked Jo can’t believe his eyes seeing his mother gagged and tied up in the kitchen. Further shock looms when he proceeds to find the safe is wide open and the office cabinets wiped clean. The guard is equally in shock and clueless.
Police is immediately called in and starts investigations immediately. Not surprising, during interrogations Perry maliciously mentions Annabelle. Both employees; Annabelle and ANTONIO soon report for work, they’re as well interrogated by the police. Not a single clue from the interrogations so far but the investigations proceed in high gear.
Meanwhile secretly Evrin blindly sends his cousin ROMMY to the market to start looking for Gold market, he lies about where he got the Gold, while this all is going on a serious blame game is going down between Jo and his mum.